My Window
My top floor window A narrow view It lets me see the sky so blue A wave of clouds Way up high A hundred miles up in the sky Lined up...

Next Time
It’s easy to be critical It’s harder to be kind Try looking at me a different way Illuminate my mind Everyone can see my flaws But can...

I want it now I need it now Go get it now Go buy it now Go do it now Must have it now I’m entitled now I don’t care, now You’ve got it...

Fifty shades of Poetry
She’s all tied up She’s feeling weak She wants to be in pain Her soft white panties There to please I rip their soft membrane She’s no...

Look in the Mirror
Not sure what you want from me Can’t deal with your hypocrisy You won’t strip me of dignity Take a look in the mirror But see what we all...

The Plane
The left wing falls Perhaps the right I’m falling fast The harness tight Controls are shaking Violently I cannot stop I can’t break free...

The Devil
I met the devil the other day He laughed at me and my dismay He spoke of all the joy I bring He so enjoys my suffering Yet I don’t care...

Baby Cries
I don’t know why It makes no sense But Baby cries They make me tense They make me tense So I stand still It’s all consuming That child’s...

She peers behind the open door The sound continues as before She's staring down the corridor But nothing there to see It's then that it...

I have a friend called Cyril He’s such a friendly snail I always know where he has been As I can always find his trail Now Cyril has a...